A FUN, LIVELY, and NONTHREATENING learning environment and a WIDE RANGE of stimulating activities in our newly-renovated English Cafe help students in KEI HEEP learn English and enhance their communication skills. It is also served as a common area for students and teachers to meet, talk and share together in an informal and sociable way.
Our English Café is also an inviting room set up with coffee shop-like tables and chairs to let students get situated comfortably and enjoy the activities during lunchtime.
Kei Heep has placed the importance to encourage students to learn across curriculum. Our students are expected to experience a lot more through the cooperation between English Department and other subjects and committees.
What are you waiting for? Pop in and see you there!
為營造輕鬆愉快、寓學於樂的英語學習環境,本校新設English Cafe為學生提供多元化的英語活動,讓他們有更多學習英語的機會,並提升英語溝通能力。此外,English Cafe亦創造一個空間予師生交流,建立良好關係。
English Cafe以廣受年青人歡迎的咖啡廳設計為藍圖,讓學生能置身輕鬆的氛圍中學習英語及參與活動。此外,基協素來鼓勵及推廣跨學科學習。因此,英文科與各學科及委員會將不時於English Cafe舉行跨學科活動,為學生提供多姿多彩的學習經驗。
想感受不一樣的英語學習?English Cafe歡迎你!
A tailor-made logo for our English Cafe. Can you see the letters 'K & 'H' there?
Our English Panel Head, Mr. Wong, is with Dr. Ho, the English curriculum consultant of Kei Heep.
A cozy environment for our students to learn English in Kei Heep.
Our English teacher, Ms. Cheung, presents prizes to our talented students.