
適異教學 (Differentiated Instruction)




全面方法提升學生英語學習動機 Holistic approach to improve students’ motivation in English Learning


The English Department comprises a team of vibrant teachers with diversified backgrounds, experiences and expertise. However, we have the same goal - engage our students in English learning. 


We fully understand our students may not be confident in using the language. That’s why we adopt a theme-based approach in S.1 - 5 curriculum, where students’ output is closely aligned with their input. Reading and listening materials are interlinked with their writing and speaking products. To better prepare our DSErs for the public exam, our team is also committed to carrying out curriculum mapping for S.6 students. By doing so, students receive sufficient scaffolding from well-selected resources prior to attempting the past paper questions. 


The Language Arts curriculum is also worth-mentioning. Our two NETs are responsible for this school-based curriculum. S.1, 2 and 4 students are given ample opportunities to expose themselves to authentic English from manifold aspects including poem, song, reader theatre, play, story and culture, etc. 


In our mind, every single student at Kei Heep is a unique individual with very different needs. In addition to the streaming measures which have been carried out for years to put students with similar abilities into the same group, to further cater for the diversity, an array of enhancement and remedial programmes from our local teachers, NETs, external tutors and organisations is offered. 


Our newly-renovated English cafe is a platform for students to unwind, chit chatting with the teachers and friends, having a sip of coffee, playing board games or even turning the venue into a mini kitchen making some snacks. We hope to deliver a message - “Learning English can be fun!” to our beloved students. 


We firmly believe that a combination of school-based curriculum, improving teaching pedagogies, tailor-made teaching materials, supportive school policies as well as entertaining activities enables students in Kei Heep to successfully achieve one of the seven learning goals set by EDB - becoming proficient in biliterate and trilingual communication for better study and life.



中 華 文 化 傳 承 Inheritance of Traditional Chinese Culture

中文科向來重視中華文化傳承。本科以寓學於樂的形式,通過多元化的文化學習和體驗活動,讓學生了解我國優秀傳統文化,增強民族歸屬感,從而啟迪情思,感受活動背後的文化精神。 近年,本校積極推動中華傳統文化教育,營造校園的文化氛圍,舉辦如中華文化周、書法比賽、舞獅表演、文言文戲劇表演、非物質文化遺產工作坊等活動,同時亦致力培訓中華文化學生大使,讓下一代能傳承中華文化精粹。 此外, 於學科知識上 ,本科強調因材施教;因應學生不同的學習需要,採用合適的教學策略,循序漸進,以臻完善,學有所得!

The Chinese Department emphasizes the inheritance of excellent traditional Chinese culture and values. Mixing learning with pleasure and through diversified language, culture and experiential activities, students may have a better understanding of traditional Chinese culture and a stronger sense of belonging, as well as the underlying spirits and values of the activities. In recent years, our school has been actively promoting etiquette education through various activities. Besides, the Chinese Department emphasizes teaching students based on their abilities and different learning needs. With differentiated teaching strategies, students can learn at their own pace.


跨 科 主 題 學 習





資 訊 科 技 輔 助 教 學

資訊科技應用於教學上已日益普及,能增加學生的學習興趣和動機。使用資訊科技教學,可突破教與學的傳統限制,教師與學生可取得世界各地的知識;而透過使用互聯網,學生更可有效地掌握處理資訊的能力。當中,更可培養他們高層次的思維方式及綜合、分析、組織、創造和解難的能力;與此同時,不但提高了學生的自學能力,而且還可引領他們實踐終生學習的理念。 為了使學生能從不同媒介接收更多的知識,以達至提高他們的學習效能,學校將原來的工藝室改建為科技室KH STEAM+,讓同學更能透過科技室的空間與設備,動手創作、交流分享以發揮潛能,把更多意念展現及創造出來。