
共有 1554 個活動
20/12/24 歌唱比賽決賽 18/12/24 師生三人籃球 師生三人籃球 14/12/24 中華基督教會聯校英文口試練習 Our School Sponsoring Body, the Church of Christ in China, organised an English-speaking practice for all C.C.C. schools on 14 December. With the overwhelming number of applications, 3 different schools across Hong Kong hosted the event. Our S.6 students had a valuable opportunity to have 3 rounds of discussions with students from YenChing College (the host), Ming Yin College, Ming Kei College, Kei Chi Secondary School, and Rotary Secondary School. Participating students and teachers highly praised the effectiveness of the activity. We wish all students studying in C.C.C. schools every success in the upcoming public examination. 13/12/24 學與教博覽2024 12/12/24 聖誕花環工作坊 聖誕花環工作坊 10/12/24 英文科「自主學習節–公開課」 英文科「自主學習節–公開課」 05/12/24 中五珠海考察團 02/12/24 旅遊與款待科參觀城景國際酒店 30/11/24 升中面試工作坊暨模擬面試 升中面試工作坊暨模擬面試於2024年11月30日舉行。活動接近有30多位家長及來自不同小學的學生參與。活動邀請到徐恩祖先生(香港教育大學高級講師)擔任嘉賓講者,分享學生及家長於升中面試需注意的要點,特別提及如何使用人工智能(AI)協助預備面試。當天英文科外藉老師亦與小學生進行英語面試攻略,讓學生輕鬆掌握回答英文問題的技巧。英文科老師隨即與小學生實戰,進行模擬面試,並即時回饋。⁠羅校長亦與家長們分享基協中學理念及學校近況。 29/11/24 福音周 福音周